Thursday, February 16, 2012

My How Time Flies

I'm sure there are at least 15 other things I should be doing right now...That's how I always feel when I want to update my "blog". Always something more important to do. And really, what earth shattering thing do I have to say?

Not much, really, but tonight when I was putting the boys to bed what I kept thinking,"Wow! These guys really are pretty awesome and I love them so MUCH! And I hope I remember feeling like this when they are teenagers!"

Don't get me wrong, I know I'll still love them when they are teenage mutant ninja boys but I know there are times a comin' when they want be so cute and cuddly.

I said all that to say that the entire reason I started doing this blog was to catalog some of my favorite moments with the boys so that they'll have more to look at later on than just pictures. They'll have at least a few stories, antecdotes, and rants to go along with the gazillion photos I take of them. So, once again, I am hopefully going to be doing a little back log of things I meant to post about sooner and do a better job of keeping this up to date! Wish me luck!